Old Bazzya

A Place of Ancient Wonder 🏰

Do you know of Old Bazzya? 😯 Probably not, as Old Bazzya is now considered a cursed place. However, for the intrepid adventurers, this location is an open-air museum. 🌄

A Pilgrimage Destination 🛤️

In the past, thousands of pilgrims journeyed to Old Bazzya, as it housed the Jewel of Occilargia, one of the grandest Rhetorist churches ever owned by Occilargia. At the foot of this magnificent church proudly stood the small village of Bazzya. Today, it's known as Old Bazzya because the village of Bazzya relocated to the valley below after an invasion (but we'll come back to that).


The Procession of Faith ⛰️

To reach Old Bazzya, pilgrims had to embark on a true procession of faith! After climbing the extremely steep path of Old Bazzya (discussed in a previous post) and crossing Septra’s Hoof, a very deep chasm, the pilgrims would pass through the Giant's Pass and arrive at the plateau of Bald Mountain where Old Bazzya stands. 🏞️

Large procession to Old Bazzya

This plateau is unique in that it is divided into two levels: on the lower plateau, one finds the Road of the Three Chapels, while on the upper level lies Bazzya (now called Old Bazzya). The Road of the Three Chapels was aptly named: three chapels stood there, and pilgrims had to demonstrate their faith to enter Old Bazzya. 🛤️


After receiving blessings from Lo, Twace, and Sia, they could pass under the watchful eye of Callan, the omniscient God. Two priests of the Rhetorist Church stood atop the towers, interpreting the signs of Ostra and Septra. If nothing occurred, the pilgrims could enter.


However, if a sign appeared, the priests would confer, and if the interpretation was negative, the pilgrims were denied entry and the gates of the city were closed. It was only the next day, after a new procession, that they could attempt to enter Old Bazzya again. ⛪🔒


The Fall of Old Bazzya ⚔️

However, when Akhakhréna entered Old Bazzya, no signs appeared. She destroyed everything in her path, reducing Old Bazzya and the Road of the Three Chapels to a field of ruins, bathed in red mist. Today, one can still find creatures twisted by the mist in this desolate place. 🏚️🌫️

Insect from Red Mist


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